jeff brodsly
Avoiding Credit Card Fraud & Chargebacks
Avoiding Credit Card Fraud & Chargebacks
Credit card fraud is on the rise. Last year consumers were taken for $1.48 billion. Don’t be a victim—stop credit card fraud before it occurs. At this session, you will learn to how to detect fraud while avoiding chargebacks and the so-called “friendly fraud.”
Presented by: Jeff Brodsly of Chosen Payments -
How to Build an Everlasting Brand (Fast Lane Session)
How to Build an Everlasting Brand
A company without a credible brand and clear message of what the brand means is not fully achieving all they can. Chosen Payments President CEO be asking a lot of probing questions to show operators how little time they actually spend on branding. By using examples of well-known brands, attendees see firsthand how our brains are programmed to think about the brand due to their messaging.
Presented by: Jeff Brodsly of Chosen Payments