ken lucci
Selling Value, Verticals, and Versatility
Selling Value, Verticals, and Versatility
Are you concerned about pricing strategies or tight margins in an ultra-competitive climate, or do you struggle to find creative ways to close sales within vertical markets? Do you know the best methods to create and provide value in your service so that prospects and customers alike are more interested in what you offer rather than seeking the lowest price? Lucci will explore that and more, including adapting pricing and fostering an effective company culture so that every touchpoint is an opportunity for added value.
Presented by: Ken Lucci of Driving Your Income -
What Qualified Buyers Look for & Savvy Sellers Should Prepare for
What Qualified Buyers Look for & Savvy Sellers Should Prepare for
Business consolidations are a natural part of any industry lifecycle. Whether due to market changes, outside disruption, regulatory shifts, or the desire to take time off and relax, acquisition activities in the transportation sector is on the rise. Find out what qualified buyers look for and what savvy sellers should prepare for as they start this delicate yet exciting process.
Presented by: Ken Lucci of Driving Your Income -
What Qualified Buyers Look for When Buying Companies (Fast Lane Session)
What Qualified Buyers Look for When Buying Companies
Coming soon.
Presented by: Ken Lucci of Driving Your Income