
  • Are You Getting the Best Possible Insurance Rates?

    Are You Getting the Best Possible Insurance Rates?

    Join us for a timely and useful workshop that will help operators keep their costs down by getting the best possible insurance rates. We’ll give you examples of what insurance companies look for when they’re determining your rates. Topics include knowing and understanding loss runs, managing claims, hiring practices, ongoing training, and the quality of your chauffeurs on staff. While insurance regulations certainly differ from state to state, you’re bound to get a wealth of information from this session.

    Presented by: Bob Crescenzo of Lancer Insurance and Steve Friedberg of Research Underwriters

  • Building a Healthy Work Environment
    Building a Healthy Work Environment & Effectively Handling Critical HR Issues
    Randi Busse
    Development Group
    Tony Simon
    Reston Limousine

    Learn how to flush out toxic drama at the office and create a more productive working environment with this workshop. Encourage innovation, increase productivity, and improve morale by determining who works best in what role and delegating tasks appropriately.

  • Creating and Implementing Quality Control Program
    Creating and Implementing a Quality Control & Mystery Shopper Program
    Brett Tyson
    Mike Zappone
    All Transportation Network

    It’s essential to know what your employees are doing when you’re not looking; even the best managers have problem employees who hide their bad behaviors well. By implementing some simple, inexpensive programs and new technologies, you can cultivate some valuable data that lets you see your employees’ service through the eyes of your customers.

  • Customer Retention
    Customer Retention: Keeping Clients Engaged and Loyal by Exceeding Expectations
    Kyara Kahakauwila
    L.A. Limousines
    Mike Zappone
    All Transportation Network

    In the age of “faster, cheaper, now” how do you keep your clients loyal? Chauffeured transportation as we have known it is changing; clients now no longer have to rely on old methods and loyalties to get the service they want. This 90-minute session will take you on a journey exploring how many brands have kept their guests’ retention numbers at record levels, proven strategies that work within the chauffeured car world, and ways how you can make positive changes in your organization to surpass your clients’ expectations.

  • Employee Motivation & Retention
    Employee Motivation & Retention: Creating a Happy and Healthy Environment That Increases Productivity
    Kristen Carroll
    Grace Limousine / The LMC Group

    Are you struggling with employee issues that you just can’t seem to resolve? Is it affecting the overall productivity of the team? This session explores how you can motivate your staff to be at their productive best every day and engaged in their jobs. Learn how you can create an environment where employees will be happy to come to work, reducing the drama that sucks the life out of a company. Strategies to retain your best employees—those who help your business grow—will also be discussed.

  • Everybody Sells: Seizing Opportunities To Build Your Revenue

    Everybody Sells: Seizing Opportunities To Build Your Revenue

    They say that getting sales is like grabbing at low-hanging fruit. Well, that fruit is ripe and ready for picking. Geared with the small operator in mind, this informative workshop will show you how to maximize your profits and growth by snaring business that is within your reach. Join us to get an education on how to turn leads into money and get the most of the business available in your market. We’ll also give you a run down on services and resources that are available to a business on the move, and prepare you for hiring or increasing staff.

    Presented by: Kim J. Garner of Best Transportation and Kimberly Vissak of Build a Team Consultants

  • Finding and Keeping High-Caliber Chauffeurs and Office Staff

    Finding and Keeping High-Caliber Chauffeurs and Office Staff

    Hands down, the biggest challenge facing operators is hiring reliable and talented staff. In this seminar, you’ll learn the best places to find chauffeurs and back office staff along with tips on onboarding new talent and keeping your best employees from jumping ship. We’ll also provide you with financial and professional thresholds that will help you determine when it’s time to add additional staff as your business grows.

    Presented by: John Critchett of Palm Beach Tours and Tony Simon of Reston Limousie

  • Fine-Tuning Your Onboarding & Training Practices for Greater Success

    Fine-Tuning Your Onboarding & Training Practices for Greater Success

    In many ways, your company is only as good as its employees, but finding—and keeping—the best of the best is a challenge faced by many operators. This session will help you improve your employee success rate and retention by improving your processes and procedures every step of the way. Our seasoned presenters will guide you through the hiring process and share valuable HR tips, such as the use of low-cost recruitment tools and the proper techniques for onboarding new staff. You’ll also benefit from an overview of useful interviewing techniques as well as insight into training new employees for long-term success.

    Presented by: Christina Davis of The LMC Group and Clayton Dennard of Going Coastal

  • HR Training
    HR Training: Establishing Rules for Social Media, Cell Phones, and the Internet
    Kristen Carroll
    Grace Limousine / The LMC Group
    Christina Davis
    The LMC Group

    Technology allows you to better communicate with your employees, but it also brings with it way too many distractions and risks. Social media adds another wrinkle as employees are expected to use it as a business tool, but the potential for misuse or abuse exists. This session will help you establish written policies that provide boundaries for employees and strike a balance for maximum productivity.

  • Leadership and Decision-Making
    Leadership and Decision-Making
    Andi Gray
    Strategy Leaders

    Leadership is a complex topic. The job of every leader is to cultivate and protect trust, especially with employees. Teach people how to make good decisions, and expose them early and often to the training they’ll need to become successful leaders. Do you have a decision-making system built? Do your employees know their boundaries? Are they allowed to fail, in order to learn?

  • Leveraging Employee-Focused Leadership With Personality Testing

    Leveraging Employee-Focused Leadership With Personality Testing

    More than just a psychological evaluation, personality tests like the Myers-Briggs are being recognized in the business world as valuable tools that allow managers to more effectively understand and lead their staff. Not only that, teaching your staff to be keenly read people and be aware of different personality traits can help them serve clients better both on the phone and in person. Our team will provide an overview of the different personality tests available to business and show you how you can benefit from their adoption.

    Presented by: Stephanie Carnes, Client Solutions Provider of The LMC Group and Sami Elotmani, VP of Operations and Global Partnerships of Destination MCO
    Moderated by: Kristen Carroll, Founder/CEO of the LMC Group

  • Seizing Opportunities With Millennials, Hospitality & Tourism
    Seizing Opportunities With Millennials,
    Hospitality & Tourism
    Jeffrey Montague
    Temple University's School of Sport, Tourism, and Hospitality Management

    Millennials are quickly accounting for a significant portion of the workforce, and understanding them will become increasingly important over the next decade, both in terms of employment and marketing your company to the societal shift their lifestyles present. You’ll also learn about the impact their increased professional presence will have across the globe, how to harness their social media savviness, branding the hospitality industry accordingly, and the Millennial thought process itself. This session will leave you with a strategic outreach plan and a better understanding of how this generation is changing not only the workplace but also overall expectations.

  • Training and Empowering Your Sales Staff
    Training and Empowering Your Sales & Reservations Staff
    Randi Busse
    Workforce Development Group
    Lenore D'Anzieri
    Driving Results

    Build a “customer-centric team” capable of taking the ball and scoring BIG points. This session helps you develop ongoing training tools and Customer Relationship Management skills – allowing your company to consistently provide exemplary service, while dramatically increasing efficiency and improving your bottom line.