M&A Day, Part #1: Getting Prepared for the Deal

It’s no secret that luxury ground transportation as we know it is shrinking, due both to natural attrition and the competition from disruptors. And with many in the industry aging, it’s high time that operators of all stages in life give serious thought to preparing an exit strategy. With these trends in mind, we’ve devoted our Tuesday education segments to the increasingly relevant topic of mergers & acquisitions. Our morning session will provide insight as to why you should be looking to sell as well as all the necessary preparation required and the pitfalls to avoid. Regardless of whether you’re years or even decades away from exiting the biz, this session will offer a valuable roadmap of where the industry is going, and some of the roadblocks you can avoid along the way.

Overview: These sessions will cover the all-important topic of valuating your business and the economic and legal hurdles faced during a buy-out. We have an all-star panel of experts with recent experience in M&A, including leading business consultant Andi Gray of Strategy Leaders, attorneys Marlene Bartolo from the Bartolo Law Group and Drew Morris from Nachmias Morris & Alt, as well as firsthand experience from industry insiders like Leros Point to Point COO Michael Basso, Windy City Limousine & Bus CEO George Jacobs, and Broadway Elite Worldwide President & COO Jason Sharenow. You will leave these sessions with a full understanding of the ins and outs of M&A.