Avoiding Credit Card Fraud & Chargebacks

Credit card fraud is on the rise. Last year consumers were taken for $1.48 billion. Don’t be a victim—stop credit card fraud before it occurs. At this session, you will learn to how to detect fraud while avoiding chargebacks and the so-called “friendly fraud.”

Presented by: Jeff Brodsly of Chosen Payments

Great People Make Great Chauffeurs: The 3 C's to Building Your Dream Team

Finding quality chauffeurs is one of the biggest challenges in our industry. With employee turnover being a huge expense, you want to get it right the first time. In this session, you’ll learn proven techniques to distinguish who is right for the job so you can build the team you desire.

Presented by: Bruce Heinrich of PAX Training

Using Technology to Drive Your Bottom Line

We will discuss areas of your business where technology investments can pay big dividends.

Presented by: Andy Norman of AddOns.LA

Live! Mock DOT Audit

Worried about what to expect with a surprise audit? We’ve got you covered: This all important session will help you get organized and prep your company and employees should you face an audit—and trust us, you will! Never be unprepared again.

Presented by: Richard Bates of the FMCSA

Center Stage Tech Panel

You probably spend a fair amount of time contemplating the latest in technology, including software to make your own company more efficient and reduce errors. It can be challenging to sift through all that our industry technology providers have to offer, so hear it from company reps themselves. Topics will include automation, apps, interconnectivity, data analytics, safety, and so much more. Further, panelists will share what they anticipate will be the future of the transportation industry as it relates to technology.

Presented by: Sean Arena of Limo Anywhere, David Hirsch of Livery Coach, Eddie McCoy of FASTTRAK, Derek Skawinski of Hudson Software, and Apurva Patel of GroundWidgets
Moderated by: Jason Sharenow of Broadway Elite Worldwide